Happiness, Love, Sadness, Anger, and so on, and so on: These are not emotions; not really. They are words. Words describing continents of emotions; still, they are merely words. An unfathomable variety of emotions is living on the continent of Happiness; an unfathomable variety of emotions is living on the continent of Anger; and so on, and so on.
Language by itself constitutes the satellite through which we explore these continents – or at least: The satellite through which we show these continents to others. But Art? Art is the trekker through which we encounter the emotions living there. And the Greatest Works of Art are the ones that turn us into discoverers: Discovering emotions we never even knew existed. |
© Alex Antonopoulos
Image from: (Still from the film PATERSON by Jim Jarmusch.)
© Alex Antonopoulos
Image from: (Still from the film PATERSON by Jim Jarmusch.)